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Data Types


Data Type Description
INT 4 bytes signed integer.
TINYINT 1 byte signed integer.
SMALLINT 2 bytes signed integer.
BIGINT 8 bytes signed integer.
FLOAT 4 bytes floating-point numeric value.
DOUBLE 8 bytes floating-point numeric value.
DECIMAL Exact precision numeric value.
CHAR[(length)] Fixed length string with optional length described in parenthesis. If length is not defined, it defaults to a length of 1.
VARCHAR(length) Variable length string with compulsory maximum length described in parenthesis.
TEXT Non-indexed / unsearchable variable length string.
BINARY[(length)] Fixed length binary string with optional length described in parenthesis. If length is not defined, it defaults to a length of 1.
VARBINARY(length) Variable length binary string with compulsory maximum length described in parenthesis.
DATE Date value in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.
DATETIME Date and time values in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format.
TIMESTAMP Date and time values in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format in UTC.
ENUM(value,...) String object with a corresponding numeric index.
BLOB Non-indexed / unsearchable variable length binary data.

SQL Server

Data Type Description
INT 4 bytes signed integer.
TINYINT 1 byte unsigned integer.
SMALLINT 2 bytes signed integer.
BIGINT 8 bytes signed integer.
FLOAT 8 bytes floating-point numeric value.
DECIMAL Exact precision numeric value.
CHAR[(length)] Fixed length string with optional length described in parenthesis. If length is not defined, it defaults to a length of 1.
VARCHAR[(length)] Variable length string with optional length described in parenthesis. If length is not defined, it defaults to a length of 1.
NCHAR[(length)] Fixed length Unicode string with optional length described in parenthesis. If length is not defined, it defaults to a length of 1.
NVARCHAR[(length)] Variable length Unicode string with optional length described in parenthesis. If length is not defined, it defaults to a length of 1.
TEXT Non-indexed / unsearchable variable length string.
BINARY[(length)] Fixed length binary string with optional length described in parenthesis. If length is not defined, it defaults to a length of 1.
VARBINARY[(length)] Variable length binary string with optional maximum length described in parenthesis. If length is not defined, it defaults to a length of 1.
DATE Date value in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.
DATETIME Date and time values in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format.
  • length values for SQL Server datatypes can also be defined as MAX.


Data Type Description
INT4 / INT / INTEGER 4 bytes signed integer.
INT2 / SMALLINT 2 bytes signed integer.
INT8 / BIGINT 8 bytes signed integer.
SERIAL 4 bytes signed auto-incrementing integer.
FLOAT4 / REAL 4 bytes floating-point numeric value.
FLOAT8 / DOUBLE PRECISION 8 bytes floating-point numeric value.
DECIMAL Exact precision numeric value.
CHAR[(length)] Fixed length string with optional length described in parenthesis.
VARCHAR[(length)] Variable length string with optional length described in parenthesis.
TEXT[(length)] Non-indexed / unsearchable variable length string with optional length described in parenthesis.
BYTEA Variable length binary string.
DATE Date value in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.
TIMESTAMP Date and time values in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format.